Journal Articles

Randomized Phase III Trial of Standard Therapy Plus Low Molecular Weight Heparin in Patients With Lung Cancer: FRAGMATIC Trial.

Macbeth F, Noble S, Evans J, Ahmed S, Cohen D, Hood K, Knoyle D, Linnane S, Longo M, Moore B, Woll PJ, Appel W, Dickson J, Ferry D, Brammer C, Griffiths G.J Clin Oncol.

2016 Feb 10;34(5):488-94.

Bronchial Dentures as a Cause of Airway Actinomycosis.

Murray MA, Rogan MP, Morgan RK, Linnane SJ. BMJ

Case Rep. 2014 Aug 22;2014.

The Prediction of In-Flight Hypoxaemia Using Non-Linear Equations.

Billings CG, Wei HL, Thomas P, Linnane SJ, Hope-Gill BD.

Respir Med. 2013 Jun;107(6):841-7.

Overexpression and potential targeting of the oncofoetal antigen 5T4 in malignant pleural mesothelioma.

Al-Taei S, Salimu J, Lester JF, Linnane S, Goonewardena M, Harrop R, Mason MD, Tabi Z. 

Lung Cancer. 2012 Apr 10.

Outcomes of patients presenting to a dedicated rapid access lung cancer clinic.

Dunican E, Uzbeck M, Clince J, Toner S, Royston D, Logan MP, Breathnach O, Young V.  Linnane SI, Morgan RK.

Ir Med J. 2011 Oct;104(9):265-8.

The effects of hypoxia on markers of coagulation and systemic inflammation in patients with COPD.

Sabit R, Thomas P, Shale DJ, Collins P, Linnane SJ.

Chest. 2010 Jul;138(1):47-51.

Human Tumor-Derived Exosomes Down-Modulate NKG2D Expression.

Clayton A, Mitchell JP, Court J, Linnane S, Mason MD, Tabi Z.

J Immunol. 2008 Jun 1;180(11):7249-58.

An unusual presentation of giant cell arteritis.

Currie S, Linnane SJ.

Br J Hosp Med (Lond). 2008 Nov;69(11):650.

The successful treatment of bronchorrhoea with octreotide in a patient with adenocarcinoma of the lung.

Hudson E, Lester F, Attanoos RL, Linnane SJ, Byrne A

J Pain Symptom Manage. 2006 Sep;32(3):200-2.

Small Cell Lung Cancer Treated in Southeast Wales.

Lester JF, Hudson E, Flubacher M, Macbeth F, Baker J, Wade R, Morrey D, Hanna L, Brewster A, Linnane SJ

Clinical Oncology. 2006 Jun;18(5):378-82.

Comment on "The beneficial effects of specialist thoracic surgery on the resection rate for non-small-cell lung cancer" by A.E. Martin-Ucar, D.A. Waller, J.L. Atkins, D. Swinson, K.J. O'Byrne, M.D. Peake [Lung Cancer 46 (2) (2004) 227-232.]. (letter).

Linnane S, O'Keefe P

Lung Cancer. 2005 Sep;49(3):425-6.

Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma of the pleural cavity masquerading as pleural Mesothelioma

Sabit R, Bolton C, Attanoos R, Cameron AL, Linnane SJ

Respiratory Medicine Extra. 2005;1(4):144-7.

Making do not attempt resuscitation decisions: do doctors follow the guidelines?

Harris DG, Linnane SJ

Hosp Med. 2005 Jan;66(1):43-5.

Gonococcal endocarditis: a rare complication of a common disease.

Shetty A, Ribeiro D, Evans A, Linnane S

J Clin Pathol. 2004 Jul;57(7):780-1.

Morphine for management of refractory dyspnoea: opiates should be used with caution (letter).

Berrill JW, Linnane SJ

BMJ. 2003 Nov 29;327(7426):1288.

Ondine's curse in a woman with Leber's hereditary optic neuropathy.

Sadler M, Wiles CM, Stoodley N, Linnane SJ, Smith AP

J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry 2002 Sep;73(3):347-8.

The gas exchange threshold as a non-invasive, submaximal index of aerobic fitness in patients with cystic fibrosis.

AG Thin, SJ Linnane, EF McKone, R Freaney, MX FitzGerald, CG Gallagher, P McLoughlin

Chest. 2002 Jun;121(6):1761-70.

Glucocorticoid treatment reduces exhaled nitric oxide in cystic fibrosis patients.

SJ Linnane, AG Thin, VM Keatings, JB Moynihan, P McLoughlin, MX FitzGerald

Eur Respir J 2001; 17: 1267–1270.

Sputum nitrate/nitrite but not exhaled nitric oxide is raised in acute infection in cystic fibrosis.

SJ Linnane, VM Keatings, CM Costello, JB Moynihan, CM O' Connor, MX FitzGerald, P McLoughlin

Am. J. Respir. Crit. Care Med. 1998;159(1):207-212.

Neutrophil adhesion molecule surface expression and responsiveness in cystic fibrosis.

KJ Russell, J McRedmond, N Mukherji, C Costello, V Keatings, S Linnane, M Henry, MX FitzGerald, CM O' Connor

Am. J. Respir. Crit. Care Med. 1998;157(3):756-761.